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miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Join us in Poland! - Greenpeace - Take Action

Greenpeace - Take Action

 Join us in Poland!

In just a few weeks, leaders from all over the world will be gathering in Poznań, Poland to determine the next steps to address global warming. It’s time for the U.S. to show the rest of the world that we’re back on track and serious about tackling the most urgent environmental crisis of our time – and YOU can help! 

We've already asked President-elect Obama to go to Poland himself, and while it appears that he won't be able to attend, it doesn’t mean you have to stay home, too. No, I'm not actually asking you to go to Poland, but if you send us your picture, we'll take it to Poznań with us.

We’ll be projecting thousands of pictures from our supporters around the world in a prominent place near the conference. With your help, we can show real leadership from citizens around the world.

Join us in Poland and submit a photo of yourself today!

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